black and brown in the morning
I don't really have time to write properly, as I have to get ready for "work", aka "school." Riding the subway back from Brooklyn early this morning, for delightfully, delectably personal reasons, I noticed something (actually, two consecutive days of early morning journeys to Manhattan). The people on the subway heading into Manhattan between 6 and 6.30 are almost all black, brown, yellow. The people with jobs that start at 7 to be open for business at 8. They're not all heading to hedge funds for 7 to 7 shifts. Most of them don't get off before Union Square, so I don't know where they go after that - midtown? The real service economy isn't white collar, and it gets to work early. Arriving later to an office or school is a luxury that is bought. Which is, admittedly, a "no shit" observation, but what do you want from my no-coffee, up at 5.45 riding the subway by 6 brain?