31 March 2006

Bad Idea

Whee! Special shouts out to the friend who was kind enough to, of her own free will and without any prompting, meet me up for a walk and chat, entertain me thoroughly, buy me a few drinks, feel sick from food poisoning, stagger back to my flat draped on my arm (which earned me those "ah, slipped her a roofie, didn't ya" looks from frat boys/NY suits, the "you evil scumbag, you slipped her a roofie and you're going to jail" from professionally-dressed women, andd "that looks like it's gonna be pretty boring by the time you get her home" from legions of the cynical throughout SoHo and the East Village.). With friend resting in bed, YCT texts, to which I respond not in kind but in phone call. Which goes on for quite a while with no clear way into "what are you up to tonight." Friend dying of food poisoning is now cold, miserable, has vomited at least once if not more, and wants to go home....to.....BROOKLYN. Cue cab, cue phone call saying I needed to get friend home, but would call from Brooklyn. Told the driver from the outset "two stops," dropped friend off, pointed cabbie in right direction, called YCT and said "So, I'm coming over, where do you live again?" She had been trying to figure out how to get me over there anyhow...we are, remarkably, On The Same Page(tm). How often does that really happen? Anyhow, I'll probably disappear for a while what with the happiness, YCT and all that. Or not. One friend voting for 6 weeks, just so breakup carnage can kick in while we still work together. I put the minimum at 8, until the end of classes, and the maximum at capital-T "Trouble." Ah, bliss....unappealing to others, and not half as fun as bitter/hyper-sensitive Polish teenage drama queen, but we'll see.


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